Already Taken

By Gary Shapiro
Composed September 4, 1997

A1(8) Long lines go forward and back
(8) Neighbors swing
A2(8) Right and left through across
(8) Ladies allemande right 1 1/2
B1(16) Partners balance and swing
B2(4) Make a ring and balance
(4) Circle left 1/2
(8) Ladies chain across

Author's Notes:
I wanted a relatively simple dance with a neighbor right & left through in it and this was the result. It owes the end of B2 and all of A1 to Tony Parkes' Spring Fever.

This dance is from American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 3/4/2000; last revised 3/5/2000; edited by Russell Owen