CJ's Delight

By Amy Kahn
Composed 1989

Leveleasy (assigned by the editor)
A1(16) Neighbors balance and swing
A2(8) Long lines go forward and back
(8) Ladies dosido 1 1/2
B1(8) Partners gypsy
(8) Partners swing
B2(8) Partners promenade 3/4 (counter-clockwise until the 1's are below, facing up and the 2's are above, facing down)
() California twirl

Author's Notes:
Written in 1989 for my first nephew's birth
I use this often as an opening or closing dance and (for the last move) say "Say goodbye to this couple and hello to the next". I've learned it doesn't matter how the couple does it as long as they change places and direction.
This dance works well to all kinds of music and absolute beginners to the most experienced.
With many thanks to Carol Kopp for Marion's Delight which is obviously the dance this variation is from.

This dance is from American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 3/4/2000; edited by Russell Owen