Tamarack Reel

By Penn Fix
Composed 1983

SourcePenn Fix "Contradancing in the Northwest"
Levelmed (assigned by the editor)
A1(6) Down the hall four in line (1's between the 2's)
(2,6) turn alone and come back
(2) Bend the line
A2(8) Circle left
(8) 1's half figure eight
B1(16) 1's turn contra corners
B2(16) 1's balance and swing

Author's Notes:
Dancing Tips: Remind the 1's to use all eight counts for the half figure 8 by making a wider arc around the 2's and not beginning the contra corners until the music signals the start of the move.
Background: "Tamarack Reel" is adapted from Christy Keevil's "Westside School House". The major change involves the sequence of the half figure 8 into contra corners. His dance had a forward and back in between the two moves. I think that the combination of these two is my invention. Because the Tamarack changes colors in the fall, it stands out among all the evergreens that dominate the Inland Northwest. Tamarack is also the name of the band that Christy played with while living in Portland, Oregon. In addition, it is also the name of the camp he worked at during the summers in New England. One of the founding members of "Tamarack", Dean Kenty, died in a climbing accident a number of years ago. I always dedicate the dance to him.

This dance is from American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 1/5/1997; last revised 3/5/1999; edited by Russell Owen